When Things Get Nuts…

I’ve been remiss in posting regularly. My personal life has been preoccupied with settling my 84 year old mother into a senior care facility. I know a lot of my friends and co-workers have or are currently dealing with aging parents and their care. It really is time consuming as the search for the best facility for their needs can be a daunting task.

I’ve relied on advice from others who have been through similar situations and that has been a big help. It really pays to listen and absorb information. Anyone who believes they can single-handedly perform miracles whether it’s care for an elderly relative or a work project, will drive themselves nuts.

Let sanity reign and give yourself a break. Lean on your friends and associates to learn from them and their experiences. Life will soon settle down as it has for me this weekend.

Mom is cared for by people who care about giving her great care. What a relief!

Now I will turn my attentions to my blog, my backyard and other areas of my life that have been on hold. All is right with Mom and further enforces that age-old saying ‘if Momma’s not happy, no one’s happy’. Even in sickness Momma still needs to be happy.

About stemzandroses

I'm an engineer and writer with a built-in need to share my nearly 40 years of experience working in a male-dominated field with the rest of the world.
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2 Responses to When Things Get Nuts…

  1. CE Jones says:

    We’re not all “jerks” though. I would like to think that most of us would have said “I’m getting a refill, would you like one?” Those guys make the rest of us look bad!

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